

发布日期:2025-01-04 10:58    点击次数:77
一、学校简介 贵州理工学院是应省委省政府实施工业强省战略和城镇化带动战略对理工类应用型人才之需,经教育部批准设立的一所省属本科理工院校,于2013年正式开始招生,现有全日制在校生11434人,教职工858人,设置有16个学院,3个基础教学部门,33个本科专业,1个中外合作办学本科专业。 学校秉承“知行至善、厚积薄发”的校训,把为社会培养“强责任、精技术、善管理、重实践、求创新”的高素质应用型人才作为立校之本,把服务国家及区域经济社会发展的能力提升作为强校之基,努力把贵州理工学院建设成为西部一流、人民满意的高水平理工大学。经中共贵州省委、贵州省人民政府批准,我校正在花溪大学城建设新校区。 1.Overview of the School Guizhou Institute of Technology is a provincial undergraduate polytechnic institution approved by the Ministry of Education to implement the strategy of industrial provinces and meeting the needs for applied talents in science and engineering to promote urbanization strategy. The school officially began enrolling students in 2013. There are 11,434 full-time students, 858 faculty and staff, 16 colleges, three basic teaching departments, 33 undergraduate majors, and one Sino-foreign cooperative undergraduate program.   The school adheres to the motto of “Perfect combination of knowledge and practical ability through unremitting efforts, successful improvement based on accumulated profound knowledge”, and sees cultivating high-quality applied talents with “strong responsibility, precise skills, good management, emphasis on practice and innovation-seeking mind” for the society as our school’s goal. Serving the nation and regional society’s economic development is the foundation of a strong school, and we aim to make Guizhou Polytechnic Institute the cream of the crop in western China, and a high-level university of science and technology that is satisfactory to the people. With the approval of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee and the People's Government Guizhou of Province, our new university campus in Huaxi City is under construction. 二、国际化项目多姿多彩 2017年,学校发起成立中国东盟高校创新创业教育联盟,现有29所国(境)内外成员单位。2018年学校与英国贝德福特大学合作举办的电气工程及其自动化专业本科教育项目获教育部批准立项,该项目为贵州省第一个本科以上工科类中外合作教育项目。此外学校计划泰国高校合作成立中泰丝路国际学院,并已与澳门科技大学,爱尔兰国立都柏林理工大学,中央昆士兰大学等十余所海外大学建立了合作关系。     2. Various International Programs In 2017, we initiated the establishment of the China-ASEAN University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Alliance, which currently has 29 member countries and regions. In 2018, the joint undergraduate education program of electrical engineering and automation with University of Bedford was approved by the Ministry of Education. The program was the first Chinese-foreign cooperative undergraduate engineering education program in Guizhou Province. In addition, we plan to establish a Sino-Thai Silk Road International College in cooperation with Thai universities and has established cooperative relationships with more than ten overseas universities including the Macau University of Science and Technology, the University College Dublin, and the CQUniversity.   三、国际学生招生工作 目前,学校已成功招收了来自巴基斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、蒙古、老挝等22个“一带一路”沿线国家的国际学生207名;其中专业生57名,语言进修生150名。 除了专业课程和汉语课程,我校还为来华国际学生开设了极具特色的中国文化兴趣课,国际学生可根据自己的喜好选择中国茶艺、插花、国画、太极拳及书法课等等。 在课堂之外,我校也积极鼓励国际学生参与各大省内高校组织的国际学生文艺文化比赛。同时,为了扩大我校对不同文化的包容性,我校每年还举办了东南亚泼水节、国际学生新年晚会等节日庆祝活动,不仅有效地带动了各国文化的交流互动,也进一步激发了国际学生对中华文化和汉语学习的兴趣与热情。(我校国际学生视频链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/nODTw21Z2sz5DgmpV28w8g) 3. International Student Recruitment At present, we have successfully recruited 207 international students from twenty-two “Belt and Road Initiative” countries including Pakistan, Tajikistan, Mongolia and Laos; among them, 57 are academic program students and 150 are language program students.   In addition to academic courses and Chinese language courses, we also offer a unique Chinese cultural interest course for our international students. International students can choose Chinese tea art, flower arrangement, Chinese painting, Tai Chi and calligraphy courses according to their own preferences.   Outside the classroom, we also actively encourage international students to participate in the International Student Literature, Art and Cultural Competition organized by universities in the province. At the same time, for the inclusiveness to different cultures, we also hold annual festivals such as the Southeast Asian Songkran Festival and the International Student New Year Party, which not only effectively promoted the exchanges and interactions of cultures of various countries, but also further inspired international students’ Interest and enthusiasm for Chinese culture and Chinese language learning. (Link to the International student video: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/nODTw21Z2sz5DgmpV28w8g)     四、国际学生申请类别 (一)学历教育(四年制本科) 学 院 专 业 名 称 学制 资源与环境工程学院 资源勘查工程 4 环境工程专业 4 地质工程 4 机械工程学院 机械设计制造及其自动化 4 机械电子工程 4 电气与信息工程学院 电气工程及其自动化 4 自动化 4 网络工程 4 土木工程学院 土木工程 4 水利水电工程 4 化学工程学院 化学工程与工艺 4 新能源科学与工程 4 过程装备与控制工程 4 食品药品制造工程学院 制药工程 4 生物制药 4 酿酒工程 4 矿业工程学院 安全工程 4 采矿工程 4 经济管理学院 工程管理 4 工程造价 4 航空航天工程学院 飞行器制造工程 4 飞行器动力工程 4 材料与冶金工程学院 材料科学与工程 4 新能源材料与器件 4 焊接技术与工程 4 建筑与城市规划学院 人文地理与城乡规划 4 环境设计 4 交通工程学院 交通工程 4 贵理工阿里巴巴大数据学院 数据科学与大数据技术 4 智能科学与技术 4 网络空间安全(不接受申报) 4 理学院 应用统计学 4 体育教学部 休闲体育 4 (二)汉语进修教育 学校常年开设长、短期汉语语言进修班,短期班可为团体进修单独开班,可根据要求定制学习时间、课程及活动安排,课程设置灵活,课堂活动形式多样。 4. International Student Admission Categories (1) Degree Programs (four-year undergraduate) School Program Years to complete School of Resources and Environmental Engineering Resource Exploration Engineering 4 Environmental Engineering 4 Geological Engineering 4 School of Mechanical Engineering  Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation 4 Mechatronic Engineering 4 School of Electrical and Information Engineering Electrical Engineering and Automation 4 Automation 4 Network Engineering 4 School of Civil Engineering Civil Engineering 4 Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering 4 School of Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering and Technology 4 New Energy Science and Engineering 4 Process Equipment and Control Engineering 4 School of Food and Pharmaceutical Engineering Pharmaceutical Engineering 4 Bio-pharmaceutical Science 4 Liquor Engineering 4 School of Mining Engineering Safety Engineering 4 Mining Engineering 4 School of Economics and Management Engineering Management 4 Project Cost 4 School of Aerospace Engineering Aircraft Manufacturing Engineering 4 Aircraft Power Engineering 4 School of Materials and Metallurgy Engineering Materials Science and Engineering 4 New Energy Materials and Devices 4 Welding Technology and Engineering 4 School of Architecture and Urban Planning Human Geography and Urban-Rural Planning 4 Environmental Design 4 School of Transport Engineering Transport Engineering 4 School of Data Science Data Science and Big Data Technology 4 Intelligence Science and Technology 4 Cyberspace Security (not accepting applications) 4 School of Science Applied Statistics 4 Department of Physical Education Leisure Sports 4 (2) We offer long and short term Chinese language training courses all year around. Short-term courses can be offered separately for groups, customized learning time, curriculum and activities according to the group’s needs with flexible curriculums and diverse class activities.   五、国际学生申请条件 申请类别 申 请 条 件 学历教育 本科生 1.年满18 周岁;2.具有高中或以上学历;3.身体健康,具有稳定的生活资金支持与监护;4.汉语HSK4级或来校进行一至两年汉语学习培训且达到学校相应要求后,方可进入相应的学历教育。 汉语进修教育 语言进修生 1.年满18周岁2.身体健康,具有稳定的生活资金支持与监护; 5. International Student Admission Requirements Admission Type Admission Requirements Degree Program Undergraduate 1. 18 years of age or older;2. High school diploma or above;3. In good health, with stable financial support and supervision;4. Chinese HSK Level 4 or meeting the corresponding language proficiency requirements with one to two years of our Chinese language training courses before entering into a degree program Chinese Language Education Language Program Students 1.18 years of age 2. In good health, with stable financial support and supervision; 六、国际学生奖学金项目 学校为来我校就读的国际学生(本科生、语言进修生)设立东南亚奖学金,黔老留学奖学金,中国—东盟海上丝绸之路奖学金,校级奖学金等。成绩优秀的外国国际学生均可申请。 奖学金项目介绍: (一)优秀来黔国际学生奖学金:贵州省教育厅向贵州高校提供部分奖学金和专项奖学金,用于资助贵州高校直接遴选和招收的外国国际学生。 (二)黔老国际学生奖学金:根据我省与老挝教育体育部签订的合作协议向老挝籍国际学生提供全额奖学金。申请人应向老挝教育体育部提出申请。 (三)贵州省东南亚奖学金:根据我省与东南亚教育部长组织(SEAMEO)达成的合作共识由贵州省教育厅和贵州高校联合向东南亚国家国际学生提供全额奖学金或部分奖学金。申请人应向承担此项目的贵州高校提出申请。 (四)贵州省“中国-东盟海上丝绸之路奖学金”:贵州省教育厅向东盟国家的国际学生提供部分奖学金。申请人应向承担此项目的贵州高校提出申请。 (五)校级奖学金:即全额奖学金,包含学费、四人间宿舍的住宿费;攻读专业的国际学生还包含来华保险费。 6. International Student Scholarship Programs We have established Southeast Asia Scholarship, Qian-Laos Study Abroad Scholarship, ASEAN–China Maritime Silk Road Scholarship and university-level scholarship, etc. for our international (undergraduate and language program) students. Overview of the Scholarships: Outstanding Qian’s Incoming International Student Scholarship: Guizhou Provincial Department of Education provides partial and special scholarships to Guizhou universities to support international students who are directly selected and enrolled. Qian-Laos International Student Scholarship: A full scholarship is offered to Laos international students according to the cooperation agreement signed between the province and the Laos Ministry of Education and Sports. Applicants should apply to the Laos Ministry of Education and Sports.   Guizhou Province Southeast Asia Scholarship: According to the collaboration consensus reached between the province and the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), the Guizhou Provincial Department of Education and the Guizhou higher-education institutions will jointly provide partial or full scholarships to international students from Southeast Asian countries. The applicant should apply to the Guizhou higher-education institutions that undertake this program.   Guizhou Province “China-ASEAN Maritime Silk Road Scholarship”:  The Guizhou Provincial Department of Education provides partial scholarships to international students from ASEAN countries. The applicant should apply to the Guizhou higher-education institutions that undertake this program. University-level Scholarship: A full scholarship that  includes tuition fees, quad dorm accommodation fees; degree program students’ insurance while in China is also covered 七、国际学生住宿 国际学生公寓为两人间、四人间,配有公共洗衣房、厨房,室内设有淋浴器、卫生间。 7. International Student Accommodations The International Student Apartment has double and quad rooms with a communal laundry room, kitchen, shower and washroom. 八、报名时间、学习期限及收费标准 类 别 学习期限 费     用 备注 本科 4 年 注册费:1000元人民币 学费:15000元人民币/年住宿费:1500元/年 每年9月学籍注册 汉语长期进修 1 年 注册费:2300元人民币学费:12000元人民币/年住宿费:1500元/人/年 每年9月开班 短期语言文化体验班 视具体项目而定   视具体项目而定 视具体项目而定 注:1.语言进修新生报到的注册费包含宿舍押金、签证费、书本费、体检费、来华保险费。 学历新生报到的注册费包含宿舍押金、签证费、体检费,书本费由所在专业学院收取。 两人间的住宿费不包含在校级奖学金中,若选择两人间宿舍,需要实际缴纳1500元/年的住宿费。 学校将给予一定额度的电费补助,超过额度剩余电费自理。 8. Registration dates, study duration and fee standards Type Study Duration Fees Note Undergraduate Programs Four years Registration fee: 1,000 yuanTuition: 15,000 yuan/person/yearAccommodation fee: 1,500 yuan/year Course registration in September each year Long Term Language Program One year Registration fee: 2,300 yuanTuition: 12,000 yuan/yearAccommodation fee: 1,500 yuan/person/year Classes begin in September each year Short Term Language and Culture Experience Program Depends on the program   Depends on the program Depends on the program Note: a. The registration fee for new students in the language program includes dormitory deposit, visa fee, textbooks, medical examination and insurance in China. b. Degree program student registration fee includes dormitory deposit, visa fee, medical examination. Textbook cost is extra and payable to the specific school offering the degree program. c. The accommodation fee for the double rooms is not covered by the university-level scholarship and the student needs to pay 1,500 yuan/year for the accommodation fee if they choose to live in those rooms. d. While the university will grant a certain amount of electricity subsidy, the student will need to pay any exceeding amount.   九、国际学生申请步骤 (一)提交入学申请。从贵州理工学院国际交流与合作处网站下载《贵州理工学院国际学生入学申请表》、《个人简历样表》(附2寸照片)、《外国人体格检查表》,真实详细填写申请信息后,连同其他要求的申请材料扫描件传至邮箱[email protected] 。 提交申请表时应同时提供下列材料(如为中文或英语以外语种,请提供中文或英文翻译件): 1.护照复印件(若已经在中国,还需签证页复印件) 2.高中毕业证、高中成绩单 3.中英文个人简历 4.贵州理工学院国际学生入学申请表 5.外国人体格检查表 6.本科学历项目申请人还需要提供HSK4证书 (二)资格审查。收到申请后,国际教育学院将及时审核申请者的入学申请资格,并尽快告知其审核结果。 (三)放发录取通知书。资格审核完毕后,国际教育学院将发放《贵州理工学院外国国际学生录取通知书》和《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW202表)。 (四)办理来华签证。申请者本人持护照、照片、《贵州理工学院外国国际学生录取通知书》、《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW202表)和《外国人体格检查记录》到中国驻当地使领馆办理X签证。 (五)报到注册。持《贵州理工学院外国国际学生录取通知书》在规定时间到国际教育学院报到注册,缴纳宿舍押金、签证费、书本费、体检费、来华保险费。24小时内到本地公安局出入境管理处办理相关手续。 9. International Student Application Procedure (1) Submit an application for admission. Download the “Guizhou Institute of Technology International Student Admission Application Form”, “CV Samples (attach a 2-inch photo)”, and the “Foreigner Physical Examination Form” from the website of the International Exchange and Cooperation Department of Guizhou Institute of Technology at Fill out the application forms with true and accurate information, and scan and send the application forms along with other required documents to [email protected]. Please provide the following documents when submitting your application (please provide Chinese or English translations if the documents are not in these two languages): Photocopy of your passport (a copy of the visa page is also required if you are already in China) High school diploma and transcript Chinese and English CV Guizhou Institute of Technology International Student Admission Application Form Foreigner Physical Examination Form Undergraduate program applicants are required to provide HSK4 Certificate (2)Qualification review. Upon receipt of the application, the School of International Education will promptly review the applicant’s eligibility for admission and inform them of the results as soon as possible. (3)The issuance of the admission letter. After the qualification review, the School of International Education will issue the “International Student of Guizhou Institute of Technology Admission Notice Letter” and the “Visa Application Form for International Student Studying in China”. (4)Applying for a visa for your study China. The applicant him/herself will need to go to their local Chinese Embassy or the Consulate with their passport, photo, “Visa Application Form for International Student Studying in China”, and “Foreigner Physical Examination Form” to apply for a study visa. (5)Registration. Bring the “International Student of Guizhou Institute of Technology Admission Notice Letter” to the School of International Education within the specified time frame to register and pay for the dormitory deposit, visa fee, textbooks, medical examination fee and the insurance. Visit the Exit and Entry Administration of the Public Security Bureau to go through the relevant procedures.   十、联系方式 地址:中国贵州省贵阳市云岩区蔡关路1号贵州理工学国际教育学院 邮政编码:550003 邮箱:[email protected][email protected] 网址: 电话:0086-851-88349078 传真:0086-851-88211082 联系人:孔令昱 10. Contact Information         Address: Guizhou Institute of Technology, School of International Education, No. 1 Caiguan Road, Yunyan District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, China         Postal code: 550003         E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]         Website:         Phone: 0086-851-88349078         Fax: 0086-851-88211082         Contact: Kong Lingyu      
